Email addresses may not be taken from this website and sold, leased, licensed, given, or transferred in any way to any third party for any reason whatsoever. Further, email addresses may ONLY be used for the following purposes:
Articles may be freely distributed as long as they are properly attributed. A proper attribution must include the original title, author, and copyright information, along with a link to this website's front page (or the URL of this website if you are republishing in print). They may not be sold for a profit or placed in a publication that is sold for profit without written permission.
We do not own the copyright on some material on this site, including any material on artists' websites. Such material is owned by the bands themselves, and thus without their permission, we cannot allow those to be redistributed. Please don't ask us.
Do not share music from our bands online unless the band has marked the songs as freely distributable. We encourage our artists to make some of their tracks available at no cost, including certain sample or promotional tracks. You may redistribute such promotional tracks freely, as it's good advertising. You may not sell them in collections, synchronize them with visuals (except as allowed by fair use laws), or perform them without explicit permission, however.
Bands often perform cover songs (songs that were originally written by someone outside the band). Because the band pays royalties every time they sell a copy of these songs, these songs may not be redistributed in any quantity by anyone for any reason without express written permission.
You must obey the terms of our privacy policy.
We ask that you not make permanent links into the guts of our website. Please link to the front page instead. Temporary links (e.g. news sites) are fine. This isn't a rule, and we aren't going to go hunt you down and break your kneecaps if you violate it. It's just a common-sense suggestion to ensure that the links you provide will likely survive any future site redesigns.
By using this website, you agree that all information presented on this site is made available on an AS-IS basis with NO WARRANTY, and agree that you will not hold Silicon Valley Records, its bands, or anyone associated with this website liable for any errors herein, for any accidental breaches of privacy, or for any breaches of privacy required by a court order.
Further, you agree not to hold Silicon Valley Records or anyone associated with this website liable for any copyright violation by the bands listed herein.
Finally, you agree not to hold Silicon Valley Records or anyone associated with this website responsible or liable for the actions of any third party, including but not limited to the bands represented herein.
Beyond these restrictions (which are largely required of us by other parties), we believe in fair use. Feel free to play music for your friends, copy this material for your personal use, link to our website, and so on.