If you join a mailing list hosted by this site, we require a valid email address, which will be verified. We will not under any circumstances sell or give this list to anyone, and will take steps to avoid allowing it to inadvertently fall into the hands of anyone outside our organization. By joining a list, however, you agree not to hold us liable if someone finds away around this and steals your address anyway. We, in return, agree to cooperate fully in any legal action you might take against those who stole your address.
Silicon Valley Records and our bands may contract with outside companies to provide online sales, music streaming, and other services. We promise to consider your right to privacy when selecting these services; however, because these companies are not owned by or directly afiliated with Silicon Valley Records, we have little control over what they do. Please notify us if you have privacy concerns with any of our distributors, and we will do our best to address those concerns.